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Officer Spud is the secondary antagonist in The Crack! - The Fugitive. He is the partner of Sgt. Clive and a police officer. He is voiced by Dan Lloyd.


The Crack![]

Spud's only appearance is in The Fugitive. He appears with Sgt. Clive chasing Jason across the counter while the latter screams for help from Dan and Chrisi. He begs his friends to save him as the cops come up to them. They say they're looking for a fugitive and show a drawing of someone who looks like Jason. Dan tries to give Jason up to them, but he lies and says a fugitive went past. Clive orders Spud to cuff Jason, but the handcuffs are too big. He jumps out, and as a result Clive orders Spud to tase him. Spud brings out a weapon, only to realize that they have no Tasers. Clive suggests using his baton on Jason. Chrisi interrupts, saying they can figure the situation out without anyone getting hurt. However, Spud is stabbed with a fork offscreen. As the gang flee, Spud collapses, screaming. Clive frantically asks him what to do, but he is untrained because he is a potato. He seemingly dies, and Clive cries that Spud was his ride home. Spud manages to gasp out, "Catch... the bus..." before he dies for real. Spud is mentioned near the end when Dan says Jason killed Clive's partner. His body reappears on the counter, when Dan asks what to do with him. Jason suggests making chips out of him.


Officer Spud takes his duty very seriously and is obedient to his superior. At first, he is presumed to have more medical knowledge than Clive, however this is proven wrong. 


He is a round oval potato, unlike Sgt. Clive, he has no facial hair and is thinner and has blue eyes.


  • He is presumably the fifth character in The Crack! to be killed by Jason, the first being Charlie, the second thought to be The Elder One, and the third and fourth the Zombie Eggs. However, Charlie was only killed in a dream, The Elder One's death happened offscreen, and the zombie eggs' demise was Dan's idea, while Spud's death was literal, onscreen, and spontaneous.
  • "Spud" is a nickname for "potato".